以下に示すプログラムおよび makefile は、Linux や FreeBSD システムでも何も変更することなく動作するはずです。他のオペレーティングシステムで使用する場合は、一部変更が必要です。この例は、実際のアプリケーションを作成する場合には避けられない混乱を回避して、問題点を理解できるだけの詳細な実例を示すことを目的としています。
ディレクトリ内から GNU make
/* * A simple example client, using the embedded MySQL server library */ #include <mysql.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> MYSQL *db_connect(const char *dbname); void db_disconnect(MYSQL *db); void db_do_query(MYSQL *db, const char *query); const char *server_groups[] = { "test_libmysqld_SERVER", "embedded", "server", NULL }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { MYSQL *one, *two; /* mysql_server_init() must be called before any other mysql * functions. * * You can use mysql_server_init(0, NULL, NULL), and it will * initialize the server using groups = { * "server", "embedded", NULL * }. * * In your $HOME/.my.cnf file, you probably want to put: [test_libmysqld_SERVER] language = /path/to/source/of/mysql/sql/share/english * You could, of course, modify argc and argv before passing * them to this function. Or you could create new ones in any * way you like. But all of the arguments in argv (except for * argv[0], which is the program name) should be valid options * for the MySQL server. * * If you link this client against the normal mysqlclient * library, this function is just a stub that does nothing. */ mysql_server_init(argc, argv, (char **)server_groups); one = db_connect("test"); two = db_connect(NULL); db_do_query(one, "SHOW TABLE STATUS"); db_do_query(two, "SHOW DATABASES"); mysql_close(two); mysql_close(one); /* This must be called after all other mysql functions */ mysql_server_end(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void die(MYSQL *db, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); (void)putc('\n', stderr); if (db) db_disconnect(db); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } MYSQL * db_connect(const char *dbname) { MYSQL *db = mysql_init(NULL); if (!db) die(db, "mysql_init failed: no memory"); /* * Notice that the client and server use separate group names. * This is critical, because the server will not accept the * client's options, and vice versa. */ mysql_options(db, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "test_libmysqld_CLIENT"); if (!mysql_real_connect(db, NULL, NULL, NULL, dbname, 0, NULL, 0)) die(db, "mysql_real_connect failed: %s", mysql_error(db)); return db; } void db_disconnect(MYSQL *db) { mysql_close(db); } void db_do_query(MYSQL *db, const char *query) { if (mysql_query(db, query) != 0) goto err; if (mysql_field_count(db) > 0) { MYSQL_RES *res; MYSQL_ROW row, end_row; int num_fields; if (!(res = mysql_store_result(db))) goto err; num_fields = mysql_num_fields(res); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res))) { (void)fputs(">> ", stdout); for (end_row = row + num_fields; row < end_row; ++row) (void)printf("%s\t", row ? (char*)*row : "NULL"); (void)fputc('\n', stdout); } (void)fputc('\n', stdout); mysql_free_result(res); } else (void)printf("Affected rows: %lld\n", mysql_affected_rows(db)); return; err: die(db, "db_do_query failed: %s [%s]", mysql_error(db), query); }
# This assumes the MySQL software is installed in /usr/local/mysql inc := /usr/local/mysql/include/mysql lib := /usr/local/mysql/lib # If you have not installed the MySQL software yet, try this instead #inc := $(HOME)/mysql-4.0/include #lib := $(HOME)/mysql-4.0/libmysqld CC := gcc CPPFLAGS := -I$(inc) -D_THREAD_SAFE -D_REENTRANT CFLAGS := -g -W -Wall LDFLAGS := -static # You can change -lmysqld to -lmysqlclient to use the # client/server library LDLIBS = -L$(lib) -lmysqld -lz -lm -lcrypt ifneq (,$(shell grep FreeBSD /COPYRIGHT 2>/dev/null)) # FreeBSD LDFLAGS += -pthread else # Assume Linux LDLIBS += -lpthread endif # This works for simple one-file test programs sources := $(wildcard *.c) objects := $(patsubst %c,%o,$(sources)) targets := $(basename $(sources)) all: $(targets) clean: rm -f $(targets) $(objects) *.core
This is a translation of the MySQL Reference Manual that can be found at dev.mysql.com. The original Reference Manual is in English, and this translation is not necessarily as up to date as the English version.