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Compliance mode recovery timer initializedCompliance mode detected->port %dAttempting compliance mode recovery%s: Can't get timeout for non-U1 or U2 state. Device-initiated %s disabled due to long SEL %llu ms Device-initiated %s disabled due to long PEL %llu ms // Setting command ring address to 0x%llxWARN: endpoint 0x%02x has streams on set_interface, freeing streams. Hub-initiated U1 disabled due to long timeout %llu ms Hub-initiated U2 disabled due to long timeout %llu ms xHCI %s called with invalid args xHCI %s called with unaddressed device xHCI %s called with udev and virt_dev does not match %s: Could not get input context, bad type. Removing %u failed ep ctxs, %u now active./build/linux-I5YRU_/linux-3.16.5/drivers/usb/host/xhci.cVirt dev invalid for slot_id 0x%x! FIXME: allocate a command ring segmentTimeout while waiting for setup device command Setup ERROR: setup %s command for slot %d. Device not responding to setup %s. ERROR: Incompatible device for setup %s command Slot ID %d dcbaa entry @%p = %#016llxOutput Context DMA address = %#08llxERROR: unexpected setup %s command completion code 0x%x. Host not halted after %u microseconds. Host controller not halted, aborting reset. Wait for controller to be ready for doorbell ringsQUIRK: Not clearing Link TRB chain bits.xHCI doesn't need link TRB QUIRKFinished xhci_run for USB3 roothubFailed to allocate MSI-X entries No msi-x/msi found and no IRQ in BIOS Command ring memory map follows: // Set the interrupt modulation register// Enable interrupts, cmd = 0x%x.// Enabling event ring interrupter %p by writing 0x%x to irq_pendingFinished xhci_run for USB2 roothubHost took too long to start, waited %u microseconds. %s: compliance mode recovery timer deleted// Disabling event ring interruptsxhci_stop completed - status = %xxhci_shutdown completed - status = %xCompliance Mode Recovery Timer deleted!// Disabling event ring interrupts xhci_stop completed - status = %x WARN: xHC restore state timeout Ep 0x%x: URB %p to be canceled on non-responsive xHCI host.WARN: Slot ID %u, ep index %u has streams, but URB has no stream ID. WARN: Slot ID %u, ep index %u has stream IDs 1 to %u allocated, but stream ID %u is requested. Cancel URB %p, dev %s, ep 0x%x, starting at offset 0x%llxxHCI %s - can't drop slot or ep 0 %#x xHCI %s called with disabled ep %p drop ep 0x%x, slot id %d, new drop flags = %#x, new add flags = %#x, new slot info = %#x xHCI %s - can't add slot or ep 0 %#x Trying to add endpoint 0x%x without dropping it. xHCI %s called with enabled ep %p %s - could not initialize ep %#x add ep 0x%x, slot id %d, new drop flags = %#x, new add flags = %#x, new slot info = %#x Recalculating BW for rootport %uNot enough bandwidth. Proposed: %u, Max: %u Final bandwidth: %u, Limit: %u, Reserved: %u, Available: %u percentRecalculating BW for TT slot %u port %uNot enough bandwidth on HS bus for newly activated TT. Not enough ep ctxs: %u active, need to add %u, limit is %u.Not enough host resources, active endpoint contexts = %u Adding %u ep ctxs, %u now active.FIXME allocate a new ring segmentTimeout while waiting for configure endpoint command Not enough host controller resources for new device state. Not enough bandwidth for new device state. ERROR: Endpoint drop flag = 0, add flag = 1, and endpoint is not disabled. ERROR: Incompatible device for endpoint configure command. Successful Endpoint Configure commandERROR: unexpected command completion code 0x%x. Timeout while waiting for evaluate context command WARN: xHCI driver setup invalid evaluate context command. WARN: slot not enabled forevaluate context command. WARN: invalid context state for evaluate context command. ERROR: Incompatible device for evaluate context command. WARN: Max Exit Latency too large Successful evaluate context commandRemoving %u dropped ep ctxs, %u now active.urb submitted during PCI suspend Max Packet Size for ep 0 changed.Max packet size in usb_device = %dMax packet size in xHCI HW = %dIssuing evaluate context command.WARN: Can't enqueue URB while bulk ep is transitioning to using streams. WARN: Can't enqueue URB while bulk ep is transitioning to not having streams. Ep 0x%x: URB %p submitted for non-responsive xHCI host. Set up evaluate context for LPM MEL change.Output context after successful config ep cmd: Cleaning up stalled endpoint ringSetting up input context for configure endpoint commandWARN Cannot submit config ep after reset ep command WARN deq seg = %p, deq ptr = %p Endpoint 0x%x not halted, refusing to reset.Control endpoint stall already handled.Queueing reset endpoint commandFIXME allocate a new ring segment Driver wants %u stream IDs (including stream 0). xHCI controller does not support streams. Could not allocate xHCI command structure. WARN: SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion descriptor for ep 0x%x does not support streams WARN: SuperSpeed bulk endpoint 0x%x already has streams set up. Send email to xHCI maintainer and ask for dynamic stream context array reallocation. Cannot setup streams for SuperSpeed bulk endpoint 0x%x; URBs are pending. Ep 0x%x only supports %u stream IDs. WARN: endpoints can't handle more than one stream. xHCI HW only supports %u stream ctx entries. Need %u stream ctx entries for %u stream IDs. Slot %u ep ctx %u now has streams. WARN Can't disable streams for endpoint 0x%x, streams are being disabled already WARN Can't disable streams for endpoint 0x%x, streams are already disabled! WARN xhci_free_streams() called with non-streams endpoint Dropped %u ep ctxs, flags = 0x%x, %u now active.FIXME: allocate a command ring segment Error while assigning device slot ID Max number of devices this xHCI host supports is %u. Not enough ep ctxs: %u active, need to add 1, limit is %u.Adding 1 ep ctx, %u now active.Could not allocate xHCI USB device data structures The device to be reset with slot ID %u does not exist. Re-allocate the device The device to be reset with slot ID %u does not match the udev. Re-allocate the device Resetting device with slot ID %u Couldn't allocate command structure. Timeout waiting for reset device command Can't reset device (slot ID %u) in %s state Successful reset device command. Unknown completion code %u for reset device command. WARN: endpoint 0x%02x has streams on device reset, freeing streams. Output context after successful reset device cmd: Can't enable unknown link state %i Disabling U1 link state for device below second-tier hub. Plug device into first-tier hub to decrease power consumption. Hub-initiated %s disabled at request of driver %s Cannot update hub desc for unknown device. Could not allocate xHCI TT structure. xHCI version %x needs hub TT think time and number of ports xHCI version %x doesn't need hub TT think time or number of ports Enabling 64-bit DMA addresses. Problem registering PCI driver. /build/linux-I5YRU_/linux-3.16.5/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mem.cWARN: %s TRB math test %d failed! Tested TRB math w/ seg %p and input DMA 0x%llx starting TRB %p (0x%llx DMA), ending TRB %p (0x%llx DMA) ep %#x - rounding interval to %d %sframes Cached old ring, %d ring%s cached Ring cache full (%d rings), freeing ring ring expansion succeed, now has %d segmentsSetting number of stream ctx array entries to %uSlot ID %d is not assigned to this device FIXME xHCI doesn't support wireless speeds Set fake root hub portnum to %d WARN: Didn't find a matching TT ep %#x - rounding interval to %d microframes, ep desc says %d microframes Allocating %u streams and %u stream context array entries. Command ring has no reserved TRBs available Setting stream %d ring ptr to 0x%08llx /build/linux-I5YRU_/linux-3.16.5/arch/x86/include/asm/dma-mapping.hSlot %u endpoint %u not removed from BW list! Slot %d output ctx = 0x%llx (dma) Slot %d input ctx = 0x%llx (dma) Set slot id %d dcbaa entry %p to 0x%llx Freed medium stream array poolSupported page size register = 0x%x// xHC can handle at most %d device slots.// Setting Max device slots reg = 0x%x.// Device context base array address = 0x%llx (DMA), %p (virt)xHCI 256 byte stream ctx arrays// Setting command ring address to 0x%x// Doorbell array is located at offset 0x%x from cap regs base addr// Allocated event ring segment table at 0x%llxSet ERST to 0; private num segs = %i, virt addr = %p, dma addr = 0x%llx// Write ERST size = %i to ir_set 0 (some bits preserved)// Set ERST entries to point to event ring.// Set ERST base address for ir_set 0 = 0x%llxWARN something wrong with SW event ring dequeue ptr. // Write event ring dequeue pointer, preserving EHB bitWrote ERST address to ir_set 0.Allocating %d scratchpad buffersNo Extended Capability registers, unable to set up roothub. Ignoring unknown port speed, Ext Cap %p, revision = 0x%x Ext Cap %p, port offset = %u, count = %u, revision = 0x%xxHCI 0.96: support USB2 software lpmxHCI 1.0: support USB2 software lpmxHCI 1.0: support USB2 hardware lpmDuplicate port entry, Ext Cap %p, port %u Port was marked as USB %u, duplicated as USB %u Found %u USB 2.0 ports and %u USB 3.0 ports.Limiting USB 3.0 roothub ports to 15.Limiting USB 2.0 roothub ports to %u.USB 2.0 port at index %u, addr = %pUSB 3.0 port at index %u, addr = %p%s - ep %#x - Miscalculated number of TRBs, %d left %s - ep %#x - Miscalculated tx length, queued %#x (%d), asked for %#x (%d) WARN urb submitted to disabled ep WARN waiting for error on ep to be cleared WARN halted endpoint, queueing URB anyway. ERROR unknown endpoint state for ep Do not support expand command ring ERROR no room on ep ring, try ring expansionERR: No room for command on command ring ERR: Reserved TRB counting for unfailable commands failed. Can't prepare ring for bad stream ID %u WARN: Slot ID %u, ep index %u has streams, but URB has no stream ID. WARN: Slot ID %u, ep index %u has stream IDs 1 to %u allocated, but stream ID %u is requested. Address = %p (0x%llx dma); in seg %p (0x%llx dma)Turn aborted command %p to no-op WARN can't find new dequeue state for invalid stream ID %u. Error: Failed finding new dequeue state New dequeue segment = %p (virtual)New dequeue pointer = 0x%llx (DMA)Set TR Deq Ptr cmd, new deq seg = %p (0x%llx dma), new deq ptr = %p (0x%llx dma), new cycle = %uWARN Cannot submit Set TR Deq Ptr WARN deq seg = %p, deq pt = %p A Set TR Deq Ptr command is pending. Command completion event does not match command Could not get input context, bad type. Completed config ep cmd - last ep index = %d, state = %d/build/linux-I5YRU_/linux-3.16.5/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.cStop endpoint command completion for disabled slot %u Removing canceled TD starting at 0x%llx (dma).WARN Cancelled URB %p has invalid stream ID %u. WARN Set TR deq ptr command for freed stream ID %u WARN Set TR Deq Ptr cmd invalid because of stream ID configuration WARN Set TR Deq Ptr cmd failed due to incorrect slot or ep state. Slot state = %u, EP state = %uWARN Set TR Deq Ptr cmd failed because slot %u was not enabled. WARN Set TR Deq Ptr cmd with unknown completion code of %u. Successful Set TR Deq Ptr cmd, deq = @%08llxUnable to find new dequeue pointer Mismatch between completed Set TR Deq Ptr command & xHCI internal state. ep deq seg = %p, deq ptr = %p Ignoring reset ep completion code of %uQueueing configure endpoint commandCompleted reset device command. Reset device command completion for disabled slot %u Stop EP timer ran, but another timer marked xHCI as DYING, exiting.Stop EP timer ran, but no command pending, exiting.xHCI host not responding to stop endpoint command. Assuming host is dying, halting host. Non-responsive xHCI host is not halting. Completing active URBs anyway. Killing URBs for slot ID %u, ep index %u, stream %uKilling URBs for slot ID %u, ep index %uStopped the command ring failed, maybe the host is dead xHCI host controller is dead. Command timeout on stopped ring Vendor defined info completion code %u WARN: sg dma xfer crosses 64KB boundaries! Next boundary at %#x, end dma = %#x Driver uses different interval (%d microframe%s) than xHCI (%d microframe%s) URB transfer length is wrong, xHC issue? req. len = %u, act. len = %u xHCI dying, ignoring interrupt. Shouldn't IRQs be disabled? WARN: xHC returned failed port status event Port Status Change Event for port %d Event for port %u not in Extended Capabilities, ignoring. Event for port %u duplicated inExtended Capabilities, ignoring. port resume event for port %d ERROR Transfer event pointed to bad slot ERROR Transfer event for disabled endpoint or incorrect stream ring WARN Successful completion on short TX: needs XHCI_TRUST_TX_LENGTH quirk? WARN: HC couldn't access mem fast enough WARN: bandwidth overrun event on endpoint WARN: buffer overrun event on endpoint Underrun Event for slot %d ep %d still with TDs queued? Overrun Event for slot %d ep %d still with TDs queued? WARN: detect an incompatible deviceMiss service interval error, set skip flag ERROR Unknown event condition, HC probably busted WARN Event TRB for slot %d ep %d with no TDs queued? Event TRB with TRB type ID %u td_list is empty while skip flag set. Clear skip flag. All tds on the ep_ring skipped. Clear skip flag. ERROR Transfer event TRB DMA ptr not part of current TD event_trb is a no-op TRB. Skip it WARN: Success on ctrl setup TRB without IOC set?? WARN: Success on ctrl data TRB without IOC set?? TRB error code %u, halted endpoint index = %u Waiting for status stage event WARN Successful completion on short TX ep %#x - asked for %d bytes, %d bytes untransferred HC gave bad length of %d bytes left Giveback URB %p, len = %d, expected = %d, status = %d Device Notification event for unused slot %u Device Wake Notification event for slot ID %u Vendor specific event TRB type = %u xHCI host dying, returning from event handler. WARN something wrong with SW event ring dequeue ptr. Couldn't allocate command structure. Timeout while waiting for stop endpoint command Wrong hub descriptor type for USB 3.0 roothub. Port resume took longer than %i msec, port status = 0x%x All USB3 ports have entered U0 already!Compliance Mode Recovery Timer Deleted.get port status, actual port %d status = 0x%x Get port status returned 0x%x USB core suspending device not in U0/U1/U2. set port power, actual port %d status = 0x%x set port reset, actual port %d status = 0x%x set port remote wake mask, actual port %d status = 0x%x clear port %s change, actual port %d status = 0x%x Ignoring request to disable SuperSpeed port. disable port, actual port %d status = 0x%x suspend failed because a port is resuming /build/linux-I5YRU_/linux-3.16.5/drivers/usb/host/xhci-hub.c@%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08llx - rsvd64[%d] // xHCI capability registers at %p: // @%p = 0x%x (CAPLENGTH AND HCIVERSION) // xHCI operational registers at %p: // xHCI runtime registers at %p: %p: ir_set.erst_size = 0x%x WARN: %p: ir_set.rsvd = 0x%x %p: ir_set.erst_base = @%08llx %p: ir_set.erst_dequeue = @%08llx xHCI runtime registers at %p: %p: Microframe index = 0x%x xHCI capability registers at %p: CAPLENGTH AND HCIVERSION 0x%x: Isoc scheduling threshold: %u Maximum allowed segments in event ring: %u Worst case U1 device exit latency: %u Worst case U2 device exit latency: %u HC generates %s bit addresses FIXME: more HCCPARAMS debugging xHCI operational registers at %p: HC has %sfinished hard reset Host System Error Interrupts %s HC has %sfinished light reset Next ring segment DMA address = 0x%llx DMA address or buffer contents= %llu Unknown TRB with TRB type ID %u Ring deq = %p (virt), 0x%llx (dma) Ring enq = %p (virt), 0x%llx (dma) Dev %d endpoint %d stream ID %d: // xHC command ring deq ptr low bits + flags = @%08x // xHC command ring deq ptr high bits = @%08x Could not get input context, bad type. @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - drop flags @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - add flags @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - rsvd2[%d] @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - dev_info @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - dev_info2 @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - tt_info @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - dev_state @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - rsvd[%d] %s Endpoint %02d Context (ep_index %02d): @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - ep_info @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - ep_info2 @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08llx - deq @%p (virt) @%08llx (dma) %#08x - tx_info /build/linux-I5YRU_/linux-3.16.5/drivers/usb/host/xhci-dbg.c ctx_64=%d, ctx_type=%u, ctx_dma=@%llx, ctx_va=@%p trb_dma=@%llx, trb_va=@%p, status=%08x, flags=%08x QUIRK: Fresco Logic xHC needs configure endpoint cmd after reset endpointQUIRK: Fresco Logic xHC revision %umust be suspended extra slowlyQUIRK: Fresco Logic revision %u has broken MSI implementation/build/linux-I5YRU_/linux-3.16.5/drivers/usb/host/xhci-pci.cU1U2xHCI %s called for root hub Input Context: contextaddressBad Slot ID %dSlot ID %d Input Context: Successful setup %s commandOp regs DCBAA ptr = %#016llxSlot ID %d Output Context: Internal device address = %d// Halt the HC// Reset the HCHewlett-PackardZ420Z620Z820Z1 Workstationxhci_initFinished xhci_init// Turn on HC, cmd = 0x%x.xhci_runxhci_hcddisable MSI-X interruptdisable MSI interrupt%s:usb%drequest interrupt %d failed ERST memory map follows: Event ring: ERST deq = 64'h%0lxFailed to enable MSI-Xfailed to allocate MSI entrycleaning up memory%s: stopping port polling. WARN: xHC CMD_RUN timeout WARN: xHC save state timeout Stop HCD cleaning up memory Initialize the xhci_hcd Start the primary HCD Start the secondary HCD %s: starting port polling. HW died, freeing TD.%s called for udev %p Not enough bandwidth Slot %d input context Slot %d output context Slot %u Input Context: Slot %u Output Context: New Input Control Context: Queueing new dequeue stateNot freeing device rings. enabledisable%s port %d USB2 hardware LPM configure endpointevaluate contextSet up %s for hub device. Resetting HCD Reset complete Calling HCD init Called HCD init Expected seg %p, got seg %p Bad real port. microSimpleComplexTRB math tests passed. sSet root hub portnum to %d udev->tt = %p udev->ttport = 0x%x &x->waitBad Slot ID %d Freed ERSTFreed event ringFreed command ringFreed segment poolFreed device context poolFreed small stream array poolHCD page size set to %iKxHCI ring segmentsxHCI input/output contextsxHCI 1KB stream ctx arraysAllocated command ring at %pFirst segment DMA is 0x%llx// Allocating event ringNo ports on the roothubs? Couldn't initialize memory Supported page size of %iKWARN: no supported page size xhci_hcdRing expansion failed Cancel (unchain) link TRBTRB to noop at offset 0x%llx// Ding dong! Finding endpoint contextCycle state = 0x%xNEC firmware version %2x.%02xCalling usb_hc_died()xHCI host controller is dead.Command timeout Abort command ring Abort command ring failed Treating code as success. sIsoc URB with zero packets? ISOC TD length unmatch WARNING: Host System Error Invalid port id %d resume root hub xHC is not running. remote wake SS port %d resume HS port %d resume SS port %d finished %s: starting port polling. @%016llx %08x %08x %08x %08x Event ring: Stopped on Transfer TRB Stopped on No-op or Link TRB Stalled endpoint WARN: TRB error on endpoint Transfer error on endpoint Babble error on endpoint underrun event on endpoint overrun event on endpoint Found td. Clear skip flag. xhci_hcdresetwarm(BH) resetconnectover-currentenable/disablesuspend/resumelink stateResume USB2 port %d slot_id is zero Disable port %d Enable port %d Cannot set link state. clear USB_PORT_FEAT_SUSPEND PORTSC %04x %s: stopping port polling. port %d not suspended xhci_hcd// CAPLENGTH: 0x%x // @%p = 0x%x RTSOFF // @%p = 0x%x DBOFF // Doorbell array at %p: %p: ir_set[%i] %p: ir_set.pending = 0x%x %p: ir_set.control = 0x%x WARN: %p: Rsvd[%i] = 0x%x 6432runningbeing stoppednot enabled disabledWARNING: No haltedCAPLENGTH: 0x%x HCIVERSION: 0x%x HCSPARAMS 1: 0x%x Max device slots: %u Max interrupters: %u Max ports: %u HCSPARAMS 2: 0x%x HCSPARAMS 3 0x%x: HCC PARAMS 0x%x: RTSOFF 0x%x: USBCMD 0x%x: HC is %s Event Interrupts %s USBSTS 0x%x: Event ring is %sempty %sHost System Error statuspowerlinkreserved%p port %s reg = 0x%x Offset 0x%x = 0x%x Link TRB: Interrupter target = 0x%x Cycle bit = %u Toggle cycle bit = %u No Snoop bit = %u Command TRB pointer = %llu Completion status = %u Flags = 0x%x @%016llx %08x %08x %08x %08x Ring deq updated %u times Ring enq updated %u times Ring has not been updated Dev %d endpoint ring %d: OUTINSlot Context: %pV enabled/disableddefaultaddressedconfiguredxhci_hcdmsg__data_loc char[]%s ctx_64intctx_typeunsignedctx_dmadma_addr_tctx_vau8 *ctx_ep_numslot_idctx_data__data_loc u32[]vavoid *dmau64statusu32flagstrb__data_loc u8[]xhci-hcdQUIRK: Resetting on resumeGot SBRN %u MWI active Finished xhci_pci_reinit xhci_hcdxHCI Host ControllerA A e`( ,!,.",#,4%,O',',),))o))))M)" ##9&D&(N!!%y(*VmWWWXlicense=GPLauthor=Sarah Sharpdescription='eXtensible' Host Controller (xHC) Driverparm=quirks:Bit flags for quirks to be enabled as defaultparmtype=quirks:uintparm=link_quirk:Don't clear the chain bit on a link TRBparmtype=link_quirk:intalias=pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc0Csc03i30*depends=usbcoreintree=Yvermagic=3.16-3-686-pae SMP mod_unload modversions 686 $Y),yv< J LLciH !" &#+c+++++/145<6=B|IK\NO9QRIZ]] _|a3fSfdffjjmnr,rtuuwxYxxXyyI~I)I ԅ4yEɒ4ĕ,YܜiV y)<U9),<GG ),'<)+L..023;<<>?@Pdev_errVt_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestorel]usb_amd_quirk_pll_disable'5usb_hcd_pci_shutdown9mcountR0warn_slowpath_nullfmutex_locks+@g_raw_spin_lock;___dynamic_dev_dbg>D!_raw_spin_lock_irqsaveX Gftrace_event_buffer_reservezvsnprintfGS;event_triggers_callypci_set_power_state zkfreeaJmemcpytrace_event_raw_init锽8pci_disable_msi W>usb_wakeup_notification$}.dma_supportedSϝperf_trace_buf_prepareE__pci_register_driver(vthis_cpu_off4t__sw_hweight32~radix_tree_lookup)dev_warn+complete`snprintf:trace_seq_printf{Ecusb_hc_diedONusb_hcd_unlink_urb_from_epۃqusb_hcd_pci_probe usb_hcd_resume_root_hub>Rٱwait_for_completion_timeoutenradix_tree_insertGparam_ops_uint]dma_pool_create]ftrace_raw_output_prep#dma_opsث free_irqdmi_get_system_info   LKpK` @@p@@@@@@@@@V VPX@HF 0Hjww0w8w`whw@Hpxd8VVm"mm mmmm%m%m%im%m%Xm%0tm%fm< m<m`6mmmTmmmm'$mNmRJm4mRm"ym1Bm? m?X m? m?( m? m? m? m?X m? mpX m m m mi mdc m0^ m# mC9 mi mi mi9 m~ m~ m~( m zm Hm9Dm}mfmtmLmm(mDqm m3mmmmmmmmLgm+gm+em+`   N ? $} #| j     W) $) ) @ @@ d *\ d *0d *'F d *0a d  *0 d . *7d B *7d ] *7d r *6d r *6d *d7 d *6 d *H d *5 d *X5 d *85z d *4] d *D4O d *- J d *4G d * B d * / d * + d * ! d *  d *u  d *h d *h d *. d * Yd *Md *=d *24d */d *2d * .d *D-d *$8V d *1 d *>d *|0d  *(d 4 * d H *X0 d H *80d H *d d *& d q *q| ;e i| ;X;Y| ;I ?| ;(;Z| ;:R| ;:| ;8| ; m| ; Z| ! ; | ! ;< | ! ; | ! ;:| ! ;T:| ! ;$:| ! ; R| ! ; B| ! ;9| ! ;9| ! ;8zT BGQzc BAzc BBzc B|B zc BPBzc B$Bzc BAzs BAzs BAzs BtAzs BHAzs BAzs B8z B;z B@<z B@7z B@3z B<@z B@z Bz Bz B?|z Bjz BVz B?Tz BPz B?Nz BDz Bt?%z B!z Bz Bdz BL?z BQz B:z B* z B z B$?z Bz B z+ B z< B] z< B z< B z< B zN B?|zN B>zzN Bi xzN B>vzN B] tzN BO rze B>zx BA jzx Bt>gzx BP>ezx B/ czx B$>`zx B=^zx B \zx B=Xzx B=Vzx B Tzx B Pzx B Nzx B Lzx B Jzx B Fzx B Dzx B=Bzx B`=>z B, z B@=z B =z B<z B<z B<z B<z B z B z B z B 7z B 6z Bp<3z B 2z BH<-z B 'z B<%z B;"LDz8LDn6LDa` @=QO=MLpXX=PN;%=K_qxhci_hcdGCC: (Debian 4.8.3-12) 4.8.3GCC: (Debian 4.8.3-12) 4.8.3GCC: (Debian 4.8.3-12) 4.8.3GCC: (Debian 4.8.3-12) 4.8.3GCC: (Debian 4.8.3-12) 4.8.3GCC: (Debian 4.8.3-12) 4.8.3GCC: (Debian 4.8.3-12) 4.8.3GCC: (Debian 4.8.3-12) 4.8.3xhci-hcd.koƹ.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.rel.text.altinstr_replacement.rel.init.text.rel.exit.text.rel.rodata.rodata.str1.4.rodata.str1.1.rel.altinstructions.rel.parainstructions.rel.smp_locks.modinfo.rel__param.rel__mcount_loc.rel__bug_table.rel__tracepoints_ptrs__tracepoints_strings__versions.rel.data.rel__jump_table.rel__verbose.data.unlikely.rel_ftrace_events.rel.ref.data.rel__tracepoints.rel.gnu.linkonce.this_module.bss.comment.note.GNU-stack.gnu_debuglink   "$'-LP*4X q+ |P"< 8"e_pn @+j<P+S+q++p\]0 $h"5"F@ LVp"g"x"" X @y8"*#N<@Np"_@"p("X" -"""!  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