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You can use the -tvv option to test integrity of such files. You can use the `bzip2recover' program to *attempt* to recover data from undamaged sections of corrupted files. Input file = %s, output file = %s %s: Deleting output file %s, if it exists. %s: WARNING: deletion of output file (apparently) failed. %s: WARNING: some files have not been processed: %d specified on command line, %d not processed yet. %s: PANIC -- internal consistency error: %s This is a BUG. Please report it to me at: jseward@acm.org %s: Data integrity error when decompressing. %s: Compressed file ends unexpectedly; perhaps it is corrupted? *Possible* reason follows. %s: I/O or other error, bailing out. Possible reason follows. %s: Control-C or similar caught, quitting. %s: Caught a SIGSEGV or SIGBUS whilst compressing. Possible causes are (most likely first): (1) This computer has unreliable memory or cache hardware (a surprisingly common problem; try a different machine.) (2) A bug in the compiler used to create this executable (unlikely, if you didn't compile bzip2 yourself.) (3) A real bug in bzip2 -- I hope this should never be the case. The user's manual, Section 4.3, has more info on (1) and (2). If you suspect this is a bug in bzip2, or are unsure about (1) or (2), feel free to report it to me at: jseward@acm.org. Section 4.3 of the user's manual describes the info a useful bug report should have. If the manual is available on your system, please try and read it before mailing me. If you don't have the manual or can't be bothered to read it, mail me anyway. %s: Caught a SIGSEGV or SIGBUS whilst decompressing. Possible causes are (most likely first): (1) The compressed data is corrupted, and bzip2's usual checks failed to detect this. Try bzip2 -tvv my_file.bz2. (2) This computer has unreliable memory or cache hardware (a surprisingly common problem; try a different machine.) (3) A bug in the compiler used to create this executable (unlikely, if you didn't compile bzip2 yourself.) (4) A real bug in bzip2 -- I hope this should never be the case. The user's manual, Section 4.3, has more info on (2) and (3). If you suspect this is a bug in bzip2, or are unsure about (2) or (3), feel free to report it to me at: jseward@acm.org. Section 4.3 of the user's manual describes the info a useful bug report should have. If the manual is available on your system, please try and read it before mailing me. If you don't have the manual or can't be bothered to read it, mail me anyway. %s: couldn't allocate enough memory bzip2: I'm not configured correctly for this platform! I require Int32, Int16 and Char to have sizes of 4, 2 and 1 bytes to run properly, and they don't. Probably you can fix this by defining them correctly, and recompiling. Bye! bzip2: file name `%s' is suspiciously (more than %d chars) long. Try using a reasonable file name instead. Sorry! :-) rb.tbz.tbz2.bz.bz2.tarcompress: bad modes (stdin)(stdout)%s: There are no files matching `%s'. %s: Can't open input file %s: %s. %s: Input file %s already has %s suffix. %s: Input file %s is not a normal file. %s: Output file %s already exists. s%s: Input file %s has %d other link%s. %s: I won't write compressed data to a terminal. %s: For help, type: `%s --help'. wb%s: Can't create output file %s: %s. compress: bad srcMode %s: uncompress: bad modes .out%s: Can't guess original name for %s -- using %s %s: I won't read compressed data from a terminal. %s: Can't open input file %s:%s. uncompress: bad srcModedone not a bzip2 file. %s: %s is not a bzip2 file. testf: bad modes (none)%s: Can't open input %s: %s. testf: bad srcModeok bzip2, a block-sorting file compressor. Version %s. Copyright (C) 1996-2000 by Julian Seward. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms set out in the LICENSE file, which is included in the bzip2-1.0 source distribution. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the LICENSE file for more details. bzip2, a block-sorting file compressor. Version %s. usage: %s [flags and input files in any order] -h --help print this message -d --decompress force decompression -z --compress force compression -k --keep keep (don't delete) input files -f --force overwrite existing output files -t --test test compressed file integrity -c --stdout output to standard out -q --quiet suppress noncritical error messages -v --verbose be verbose (a 2nd -v gives more) -L --license display software version & license -V --version display software version & license -s --small use less memory (at most 2500k) -1 .. -9 set block size to 100k .. 900k If invoked as `bzip2', default action is to compress. as `bunzip2', default action is to decompress. as `bzcat', default action is to decompress to stdout. If no file names are given, bzip2 compresses or decompresses from standard input to standard output. You can combine short flags, so `-v -4' means the same as -v4 or -4v, &c. %s: %s is redundant in versions 0.9.5 and above BZIP2BZIP--unzipUNZIPz2catZ2CATzcatZCAT%s: Bad flag `%s' --stdout--decompress--compress--force--test--keep--small--quiet--version--license--exponential--repetitive-best--repetitive-fast--verbose--help%s: -c and -t cannot be used together. You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.  ,<L\ht|̨ܨ bzip2/libbzip2: internal error number %d. This is a bug in bzip2/libbzip2, %s. Please report it to me at: jseward@acm.org. If this happened when you were using some program which uses libbzip2 as a component, you should also report this bug to the author(s) of that program. Please make an effort to report this bug; timely and accurate bug reports eventually lead to higher quality software. Thanks. Julian Seward, 21 March 2000. {0x%x, 0x%x}] combined CRCs: stored = 0x%x, computed = 0x%x1.0.0, 16-May-2000wrb???CONFIG_ERROROUTBUFF_FULLUNEXPECTED_EOFIO_ERRORDATA_ERROR_MAGICDATA_ERRORMEM_ERRORPARAM_ERRORSEQUENCE_ERROROK %d in block, %d after MTF & 1-2 coding, %d+2 syms in use initial group %d, [%d .. %d], has %d syms (%4.1f%%) pass %d: size is %d, grp uses are %d bytes: mapping %d, selectors %d, code lengths %d, codes %d Y@ block %d: crc = 0x%8x, combined CRC = 0x%8x, size = %d final combined CRC = 0x%x [%d: huff+mtf rt+rld0]h)Q$[  !2""i#@$x%&'')P**.d/;1 2077>>A??q@AA[BB bucket sorting ... depth %6d has %6d unresolved strings reconstructing block ... main sort initialise ... qsort [0x%x, 0x%x] done %d this %d %d pointers, %d sorted, %d scanned %d work, %d block, ratio %5.2f too repetitive; using fallback sorting algorithm SUNW_OST_OSLIBSUNW_OST_OSLIBUnknown errorSUNW_OST_OSLIB: ,<T^x%1=O^n} .=I`q 'BQu&7DZo/EUc"=ZqBXq6Gf   ' 1 ; E O f  3 C Z  & ? 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