The MySQL Connector/ODBC is the name for the family of MySQL ODBC drivers (previously called MyODBC drivers) that provide access to a MySQL database using the industry standard Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API. This reference covers Connector/ODBC 3.51, a version of the API that provides ODBC 3.5x compliant access to a MySQL database. MySQL Connector/ODBC es el nombre de la familia de controladores MySQL ODBC (anteriormente llamados Controladores MyODBC) que proporcionan acceso a una base de datos MySQL usando el estándar industrial de Conectividad de Base de Datos Abierta (del inglés Open Database Connectivity)
The manual for versions of Connector/ODBC older than 3.51 can be located in the corresponding binary or source distribution.
For more information on the ODBC API standard and how to use it, refer to http://www.microsoft.com/data/.
The application development part of this reference assumes a good working knowledge of C, general DBMS knowledge, and finally, but not least, familiarity with MySQL. For more information about MySQL functionality and its syntax, refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/.
Typically, you need to install Connector/ODBC only on Windows machines. For Unix and Mac OS X you can use the native MySQL network or named pipe to communicate with your MySQL database. You may need Connector/ODBC for Unix or Mac OS X if you have an application that requires an ODBC interface to communicate with the database. Applications that require ODBC to communicate with MySQL include ColdFusion, Microsoft Office, and Filemaker Pro.
If you want to install the Connector/ODBC connector on a Unix host, then you must also install an ODBC manager.
If you have questions that are not answered in this document, please
send a mail message to <myodbc@lists.mysql.com>
Ésta es una traducción del manual de referencia de MySQL, que puede encontrarse en dev.mysql.com. El manual de referencia original de MySQL está escrito en inglés, y esta traducción no necesariamente está tan actualizada como la versión original. Para cualquier sugerencia sobre la traducción y para señalar errores de cualquier tipo, no dude en dirigirse a mysql-es@vespito.com.