oceanography Oceanography packages A number of oceanography software. home:ocefpaf ocefpaf's Home Project Oceanographic Tools http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ocefpaf/openSUSE_13.1/ deleted INTERNAL PROJECT don't delete this project, it's used for internal purposes http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/deleted/deleted/ openSUSE:13.1 Official 13.1 openSUSE distribution This project builds the official 13.1 openSUSE distribution. Have a look at http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:13.1 for more details. http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/13.1/repo/oss/ Bibutils The Bibutils package The Bibutils package. GMT The GMT package The GMT package. MozillaThunderbird The MozillaThunderbird package The MozillaThunderbird package. VirtualBox-4.3 The VirtualBox-4.3 package The VirtualBox-4.3 package. artha The artha package The artha package. aspell-pt_BR The aspell-pt_BR package The aspell-pt_BR package. calibre The calibre package The calibre package. cdo A program for manipulating GRIB/NetCDF/SERVICE/EXTRA files CDO (Climate Data Operators) is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate Data files. Supported file formats are GRIB, netCDF, SERVICE, and EXTRA. More than 200 operators are available. chromium The chromium package The chromium package. clamav The clamav package The clamav package. cmus The cmus package The cmus package. cowsay The cowsay package The cowsay package. djvu2pdf The djvu2pdf package The djvu2pdf package. djvulibre The djvulibre package The djvulibre package. dkms The dkms package The dkms package. dolphin-plugins The dolphin-plugins package The dolphin-plugins package. ecryptfs-utils The ecryptfs-utils package The ecryptfs-utils package. engauge-digitizer The engauge-digitizer package The engauge-digitizer package. exif The exif package The exif package. exiv2 The exiv2 package The exiv2 package. festival The festival package The festival package. fetchmsttfonts The fetchmsttfonts package The fetchmsttfonts package. ffmpeg The ffmpeg package The ffmpeg package. findutils-locate The findutils-locate package The findutils-locate package. gdal The gdal package The gdal package. gimp-plugin-lqr The gimp-plugin-lqr package The gimp-plugin-lqr package. gimp-resynthesizer The gimp-resynthesizer package The gimp-resynthesizer package. gimp-ufraw The gimp-ufraw package The gimp-ufraw package. gimpfx-foundry The gimpfx-foundry package The gimpfx-foundry package. git-core The git-core package The git-core package. gparted The gparted package The gparted package. grib_api WMO FM-92 GRIB (v1,v2) interface accessible from C and FORTRAN programs The ECMWF GRIB API is an application program interface accessible from C and FORTRAN programs developed for encoding and decoding WMO FM-92 GRIB edition 1 and edition 2 messages. A useful set of command line tools is also provided to give quick access to grib messages. gtkpod The gtkpod package The gtkpod package. hdf The hdf package The hdf package. hdf5 The hdf5 package The hdf5 package. hdf5-devel The hdf5-devel package The hdf5-devel package. hg-git The hg-git package The hg-git package. inkscape The inkscape package The inkscape package. inkscape-extensions-gimp The inkscape-extensions-gimp package The inkscape-extensions-gimp package. ispell-brazilian The ispell-brazilian package The ispell-brazilian package. kate The kate package The kate package. kcachegrind The kcachegrind package The kcachegrind package. kernel-source The kernel-source package The kernel-source package. kile The kile package The kile package. kio_svn The kio_svn package The kio_svn package. klatexformula The klatexformula package The klatexformula package. klatexformula-ktexteditor-plugin The klatexformula-ktexteditor-plugin package The klatexformula-ktexteditor-plugin package. kparts-plugin The kparts-plugin package The kparts-plugin package. latexdiff The latexdiff package The latexdiff package. latexmk The latexmk package The latexmk package. libbsb The libbsb package The libbsb package. linux-libertine-fonts The linux-libertine-fonts package The linux-libertine-fonts package. lynx The lynx package The lynx package. mcrypt The mcrypt package The mcrypt package. meld The meld package The meld package. mercurial The mercurial package The mercurial package. mplayer2 The mplayer2 package The mplayer2 package. mutt The mutt package The mutt package. myspell-brazilian The myspell-brazilian package The myspell-brazilian package. nco Suite of programs for manipulating NetCDF/HDF4 files The netCDF Operators, NCO, are a suite of command line programs known as operators. The operators facilitate manipulation and analysis of self-describing data stored in the freely available netCDF and HDF formats (http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf and http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu, respectively). Each NCO operator (e.g., ncks) takes netCDF or HDF input file(s), performs an operation (e.g., averaging, hyperslabbing, or renaming), and outputs a processed netCDF file. Although most users of netCDF and HDF data are involved in scientific research, these data formats, and thus NCO, are generic and are equally useful in fields from agriculture to zoology. The NCO User's Guide illustrates NCO use with examples from the field of climate modeling and analysis. The NCO homepage is http://nco.sourceforge.net/. ncview A visual browser for netCDF format files Ncview is a visual browser for netCDF format files. Typically you would use ncview to get a quick and easy, push-button look at your netCDF files. You can view simple movies of the data, view along various dimensions, take a look at the actual data values, change color maps, invert the data, etc. netcdf The netcdf package The netcdf package. netcdf-devel The netcdf-devel package The netcdf-devel package. octave The octave package The octave package. optipng The optipng package The optipng package. osc The osc package The osc package. p7zip The p7zip package The p7zip package. pdftk The pdftk package The pdftk package. plasmoid-yawp The plasmoid-yawp package The plasmoid-yawp package. plasmoid-yawp-themes The plasmoid-yawp-themes package The plasmoid-yawp-themes package. python-virtualenvwrapper The python-virtualenvwrapper package The python-virtualenvwrapper package. python3-Bottleneck The python3-Bottleneck package The python3-Bottleneck package. python3-Cython The python3-Cython package The python3-Cython package. python3-IPython The python3-IPython package The python3-IPython package. python3-Pillow The python3-Pillow package The python3-Pillow package. python3-PyTables The python3-PyTables package The python3-PyTables package. python3-Pygments The python3-Pygments package The python3-Pygments package. python3-Shapely The python3-Shapely package The python3-Shapely package. python3-Sphinx The python3-Sphinx package The python3-Sphinx package. python3-basemap The python3-basemap package The python3-basemap package. python3-basemap-data The python3-basemap-data package The python3-basemap-data package. python3-basemap-data-hires The python3-basemap-data-hires package The python3-basemap-data-hires package. python3-biopython The python3-biopython package The python3-biopython package. python3-blosc The python3-blosc package The python3-blosc package. python3-cartopy The python3-cartopy package The python3-cartopy package. python3-configobj The python3-configobj package The python3-configobj package. python3-coverage The python3-coverage package The python3-coverage package. python3-devel The python3-devel package The python3-devel package. python3-django The python3-django package The python3-django package. python3-django-tagging The python3-django-tagging package The python3-django-tagging package. python3-docutils The python3-docutils package The python3-docutils package. python3-ephem The python3-ephem package The python3-ephem package. python3-flake8 The python3-flake8 package The python3-flake8 package. python3-gdata The python3-gdata package The python3-gdata package. python3-gnupg The python3-gnupg package The python3-gnupg package. python3-h5py The python3-h5py package The python3-h5py package. python3-httplib2 The python3-httplib2 package The python3-httplib2 package. python3-markdown2 The python3-markdown2 package The python3-markdown2 package. python3-matplotlib The python3-matplotlib package The python3-matplotlib package. python3-netcdf4-python The python3-netcdf4-python package The python3-netcdf4-python package. python3-networkx The python3-networkx package The python3-networkx package. python3-notify2 The python3-notify2 package The python3-notify2 package. python3-numexpr The python3-numexpr package The python3-numexpr package. python3-numpy The python3-numpy package The python3-numpy package. python3-numpy-devel The python3-numpy-devel package The python3-numpy-devel package. python3-pandas The python3-pandas package The python3-pandas package. python3-patsy The python3-patsy package The python3-patsy package. python3-pycurl The python3-pycurl package The python3-pycurl package. python3-pymc The python3-pymc package The python3-pymc package. python3-pyshp The python3-pyshp package The python3-pyshp package. python3-pywt The python3-pywt package The python3-pywt package. python3-pyzmq The python3-pyzmq package The python3-pyzmq package. python3-requests The python3-requests package The python3-requests package. python3-rpy2 The python3-rpy2 package The python3-rpy2 package. python3-scipy The python3-scipy package The python3-scipy package. python3-sklearn The python3-sklearn package The python3-sklearn package. python3-spyderlib The python3-spyderlib package The python3-spyderlib package. python3-sympy The python3-sympy package The python3-sympy package. python3-tornado The python3-tornado package The python3-tornado package. python3-uncertainties The python3-uncertainties package The python3-uncertainties package. python3-units The python3-units package The python3-units package. python3-virtualenv The python3-virtualenv package The python3-virtualenv package. python3-xlrd The python3-xlrd package The python3-xlrd package. qgit The qgit package The qgit package. quilt The quilt package The quilt package. rkward The rkward package The rkward package. sensors The sensors package The sensors package. smplayer2 The smplayer2 package The smplayer2 package. stix-fonts The stix-fonts package The stix-fonts package. texlive-a0poster The texlive-a0poster package The texlive-a0poster package. texlive-ametsoc The texlive-ametsoc package The texlive-ametsoc package. texlive-beamerposter The texlive-beamerposter package The texlive-beamerposter package. texlive-mhchem The texlive-mhchem package The texlive-mhchem package. texlive-minted The texlive-minted package The texlive-minted package. texlive-oberdiek The texlive-oberdiek package The texlive-oberdiek package. texlive-sciposter The texlive-sciposter package The texlive-sciposter package. texlive-shadow The texlive-shadow package The texlive-shadow package. texlive-simplecv The texlive-simplecv package The texlive-simplecv package. texlive-siunitx The texlive-siunitx package The texlive-siunitx package. udisks The udisks package The udisks package. udunits The udunits package The udunits package. udunits2 A library for manipulating units of physical quantities The Unidata units utility, udunits, supports conversion of unit specifications between formatted and binary forms, arithmetic manipulation of unit specifications, and conversion of values between compatible scales of measurement. A unit is the amount by which a physical quantity is measured. For example: Physical Quantity Possible Unit _________________ _____________ time weeks distance centimeters power watts This utility works interactively and has two modes. In one mode, both an input and output unit specification are given, causing the utility to print the conversion between them. In the other mode, only an input unit specification is given. This causes the utility to print the definition -- in standard units -- of the input unit. ufraw The ufraw package The ufraw package. unpaper The unpaper package The unpaper package. vim The vim package The vim package. vim-plugin-NERDcommenter The vim-plugin-NERDcommenter package The vim-plugin-NERDcommenter package. vim-plugin-NERDtree The vim-plugin-NERDtree package The vim-plugin-NERDtree package. vim-plugin-a The vim-plugin-a package The vim-plugin-a package. vim-plugin-align The vim-plugin-align package The vim-plugin-align package. vim-plugin-colorschemes The vim-plugin-colorschemes package The vim-plugin-colorschemes package. vim-plugin-diffchanges The vim-plugin-diffchanges package The vim-plugin-diffchanges package. vim-plugin-gitdiff The vim-plugin-gitdiff package The vim-plugin-gitdiff package. vim-plugin-latex The vim-plugin-latex package The vim-plugin-latex package. vim-plugin-project The vim-plugin-project package The vim-plugin-project package. vim-plugin-showmarks The vim-plugin-showmarks package The vim-plugin-showmarks package. vim-python The vim-python package The vim-python package. w32codec-all The w32codec-all package The w32codec-all package. wine The wine package The wine package. yakuake The yakuake package The yakuake package. yast2-power-management The yast2-power-management package The yast2-power-management package. youtube-dl The youtube-dl package The youtube-dl package.